iOS Development


1. Introduction to SwiftUI

  • Overview of SwiftUI and its advantages.
  • Basic understanding of declarative syntax.

2. Swift Programming Basics

  • Introduction to Swift programming language.
  • Variables, constants, data types, and operators.

3. Xcode and Interface Builder

  • Understanding the Xcode IDE.
  • Basics of Interface Builder for UI design.

4. SwiftUI Views and Controls

  • Creating and using SwiftUI views.
  • Understanding common UI controls (Text, Image, Button, etc.).

5. Layout and Stacks

  • Working with VStack, HStack, and ZStack for layout.
  • Alignment and spacing in SwiftUI.

6. Navigation and Presentation

  • NavigationView and NavigationLink for navigation.
  • Sheet and Modal presentation.

7. Lists and Forms

  • Creating dynamic lists with List view.
  • Building forms and collecting user input.

8. State and Binding

  • Introduction to @State and @Binding properties.
  • Managing the state in SwiftUI applications.

9. Modifiers and Styling

  • Applying modifiers for styling views.
  • Customizing appearance using modifiers.

10. Animations

  • Basic animations in SwiftUI.
  • Transition animations and implicit animations.

11. Data Management

  • Introduction to ObservableObject and Published property wrapper.
  • Fetching and displaying data in SwiftUI.

12. Gesture Recognition

  • Handling gestures (tap, swipe, etc.) in SwiftUI.
  • Creating interactive user interfaces.

13. Accessibility

  • Making SwiftUI apps accessible.
  • Testing and improving accessibility.

14. Debugging and Testing

  • Debugging techniques in SwiftUI.
  • Overview of testing SwiftUI applications.

15. Deployment and App Store Submission

  • Preparing an app for deployment.
  • Submitting an app to the App Store.