Android Development
1. Introduction to Android Development
- Overview of Android OS
- Setting up Android Studio
- Creating your first Android project
2. Basic Concepts
- Activities and Intents
- Views and Layouts
- XML layout files
3. User Interface (UI) Components
- Buttons, TextViews, EditTexts
- ImageViews
- RecyclerView and ListView
4. UI Design
- Material Design principles
- Styling and themes
- Drawables and resources
5. Handling User Input
- Event handling
- Handling clicks and gestures
- Input validation
6. Fragments
- Introduction to fragments
- Fragment lifecycle
- Fragment transactions
7. Data Storage
- SharedPreferences
- SQLite Database
- File I/O
7. Networking
- Making HTTP requests
- Parsing JSON data
- AsyncTask and background processing
8. Permissions
- Requesting permissions
- Handling runtime permissions
9. Working with Images
- Loading images with Picasso or Glide
- Image compression and manipulation
10. Location Services
- Accessing device location
- Using Google Maps API
11. Sensors
- Accessing device sensors (e.g., accelerometer, gyroscope)
- Sensor data processing
12. Notifications
- Local notifications
- Push notifications with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)
13. Notifications
- Local notifications
- Push notifications with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)
14. Database and Content Providers
- Creating and using a Content Provider
- CRUD operations on SQLite database
15. Security
- Securing sensitive data
- HTTPS and network security
16. Debugging and Testing
- Debugging tools in Android Studio
- Unit testing basics
17. Version Control with Git
- Setting up a Git repository
- Basic Git commands
18. Publishing your App
- Preparing an app for release
- Uploading to the Google Play Store